The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

Episode 31 | Why Am I Stuck?| The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

June 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 31
Episode 31 | Why Am I Stuck?| The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
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The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
Episode 31 | Why Am I Stuck?| The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
Jun 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 31



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Hello unstoppables of the world. You're listening to the unstoppable mind podcast. And I'm your host, Mary Lou Rodriguez. So one of the biggest questions that I get asked is, why am I stuck? Now this is from both clients and friends, and fellow hypnotists. Why am I stuck? So if you're a person who cannot seem to get out of your own way, no matter how hard you try, this episode is for you. Hello, unstoppables Welcome to the unstoppable mind podcast. And I'm Mary Lou Rodriguez, I'm so excited to have you here. The numbers just continue to grow with this podcast. And that means that you are sharing my podcast, you're subscribing you are liking it, and you are leaving reviews. And I want to tell you, thank you, thank you so much for supporting me, and for supporting the message. Because I really do want to create impact and to create the ripple effect of expansion. And so with your help, I am doing just that. So I want to talk about why am I stuck? Now, this is interesting, because a lot of people asked me this question. And before I dive in, I do want to share a little bit about what's going on with me this these last couple of weeks. And I've spent, I would say probably a good portion of my time, the last two weeks recording modules, because I'm creating a hypnosis program where people can take my program online and learn hypnosis. And it really is such a powerful way to give people access to becoming a badass, world class certified hypnotist through the National guild of hypnotists. Because people all over the globe are interested in taking my course. So being able to take an online is is makes it accessible for people to do that. And I want to share that, you know, it, it definitely is taken a lot more time than I anticipated. And that's okay. Because it's just sometimes part of part of the the work is the doing part of it. And so I've been really intentional in how I've been managing my energy. And really, I had some aha was this morning on even more ways that I can create while still being in the flow of love and, and ease and joy, and really making this and creating ease with this program. So I just wanted to share a little bit about that. And one of the things that has been so powerful about creating this program has been that I've been having I've been, I get the opportunity to take this method that I have been using in my mind for the last two years. And I've been in Spanish we call it a force us in an English that means by force, but I've noticed is I've been having to put my method down on paper and to really solidify my method and how I get somebody from point A to point B. And in so this program. In this program, I'm teaching people how to get their clients from point A to point B meaning somebody comes to see us to have an outcome in their life. And it's our job as hypnotist to teach them how to get there. And that's by reprogramming their subconscious. And so it's been a lot of fun to put my method down on paper and to outline my process and my framework. And I've been holding off on announcing this just because it hadn't been trademark approved yet, but it's now trademark approved. So I can share that my method is called the neuro accelerated hypnosis method. And my method really is combining neuroscience and hypnosis together. And as far as I know, I am one of the pioneers. Now I'm not saying that this isn't being done or hasn't been done, but it's not online. It's not being promoted. And so I know that I am going to be one of the first people to bring these two concepts together. Neuroscience and hypnosis and tech Create a really powerful method and tool for helping clients have the outcomes that they desire in their life. And I've always known that I was a very different kind of hypnotist. And I swear to you, it is because when I was learning hypnosis, I had taken my first online program ever. And it was Dr. Joe Dispenza, called Making the mind matter. And it was through Hay House. And during that time, my mom was in a coma. So for those of you who know or don't know, my mom was in a coma for two years. And the whole reason why I decided to even study hypnosis was because, well, first of all, I had been a recipient of hypnosis. So I knew the power of it. But when I was being hypnotized, it never, ever crossed my mind that one day I was going to be a hypnotist. It wasn't even in my model of reality. It wasn't. I wouldn't have believed you. Because I had no interest in practicing and teaching hypnosis. I just was a recipient of experiencing hypnosis. And I had some incredible results. And so when my mom was in a coma, and I became her primary caregiver along with my sister, Elena, and I moved out of my home in Portland and moved into my mom's master bedroom in Cornelius, Oregon. I packed up everything including my little French Bulldog Buffy. In Buffy with just I her bed was she was always wanting to be near my mom. And so a Buffy had her little bed underneath my mom. It was my, my sister would tease me endlessly because Buffy was a very loud store. I mean, you could hear her a mile away because of her little flat face. But my mom's hospital machines were so loud, they were louder than Buffy snore. So I knew my mom. And we weren't keeping my mom up. Even though my mom was it was she was totally unconscious. But my sister would tease me about how Buffy would keep my mom up at night. And so my mom was in a coma for two years. And my sister and I, we were just really trying to think of ways to bring my mom back to waking consciousness. And I remember an energy healer coming and Quran that came and just lots of the missionary Choir The missionary girls came and sang and, and just one night, I remember like I used to sleep on the cot, I would pull the cot out from behind the door and I would lay the cot down it was this brown sort of plaid looking caught that was maybe two inches thick, maybe a little bit more. But I would sleep on that. And I had pulled that down and made my little bed. And I slept next to my mom for almost two years like that truly was one of the most selfless things that I'd ever done. And I remember one night just looking at her and thinking and it popped into my head. What if I could talk to her subconscious mind. And then hypnosis popped into my head. And so the very next day I enrolled in the Northwest hypnosis Institute, and I began studying hypnosis. Now, what I didn't know at that time, was that most certification courses only teach hypnosis they don't really teach about the subconscious mind. They don't teach about the brain or energy or habits or emotional addictions. They just really teach about hypnosis. And so at that time that my mom was in a coma, I shared that I found Dr. Joe Dispenza. I found him I discovered him I discovered Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robinson, Marianne Williamson, and a few others that are, I can't think of right off the top of my head. But I enrolled in this Hay House course of making the mind matter which was Dr. Joe Dispenza. This course and I began studying the subconscious mind while learning hypnosis, and I swear to you that is the reason why I do things so differently for most hypnotist and I am training a whole army of hypnotist across the globe to be as good as I am at getting long lasting transformation, helping people get from point A to point B And I know that that has everything to do with studying the subconscious. At the same time that I was studying hypnosis, it has forever impacted my life. And I'm just so grateful. There were so many beautiful moments that came out of my mom being in a coma, because that was one of the hardest times of my life was to see my mom in that condition, and to care for her. And to know that it truly was an honor to care for her. And to wash her hair and to change her depends and defeat her and to suction all the muck out of her feeding tube at night. I mean, it was definitely it was one of the hardest times of my life, and yet some of the most beautiful events and things came out of that time. So I wanted to just share that, my method, back to my method, the neuro accelerated hypnosis method. It really is what makes me stand out is understanding the neuroscience and how to incorporate that with hypnosis. And so I want to share that I'm super excited. And the way that I teach hypnosis in my program is yes, I'm teaching people how to to hypnotize and to learn about hypnosis, and I'm teaching about the foundation of hypnosis. But I'm also helping people understand the mind, and the subconscious, and emotional addictions. And so because all of that plays a part in change. So I want to share with you a module that I recorded earlier for people in my program, and it's called, Why am I stuck. So I'm excited to share this with you. And one of the first things that I want you to know is that when we consider changing our lives, now changing our lives, that could mean drinking eight glasses of water a day, it could mean walking, it could mean thinking differently. It doesn't matter when we consider changing our lives, the concept of change is at the forefront in our brains. And our brain knows that we have to take action. And we have to do something different if we want change in our life. But the thing about change is that our brains, our brain does not care for it. So when we're working with clients who have anxiety, this has become they're known, feeling calm and relaxed. And operating from Inner peace is an unknown. It is unfamiliar to the brain. Because when your anxiety, how are you feeling, you're certainly not feeling inner peace, you're feeling probably tension, and stress and worry. And our brains ultimate goal is to keep us safe. And the brain's definition of safety is just familiarity. It's the known, it's the predictability of our lives. It's the familiar and I know I just said that. And so our clients come to see us because they've habituated and malicious user anxiety, because a lot of people come to see me for anxiety. So you know, our clients come to see us or see me because they have anxiety. And they have become habituated to operating in fight or flight, also known as survival. And so the amygdala is in the Olympic Li mbyc part of the brain. And then the the amygdala becomes alerted. And the amygdala is known for, it's known to be called the amygdala hijack, because when the amygdala becomes alerted, you start to feel fear. But the thing is, is that oftentimes, it's just perceived threat. It's not really real. So what happens is the brain communicates with the cells in the body B via hormones and neurotransmitters. And then the amygdala is like saying threat threat. And what it does is it turns on the hypothalamus, and that talks to the pituitary gland, and that communicates to the adrenal gland. And then what happens is that the adrenal gland starts to spit out these stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. And so, hypnosis is so perfect for reducing stress because it turns the stress response off. What it does is that as you begin to relax in hypnosis, your parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it turns on and your body begins to release these healing hormones like oxytocin and dopamine and and nitric oxide and endorphins. So we all have these natural self repair mechanisms that get flipped on when our nervous system is relaxed. So our clients can habituate the way that they think and feel, and stress and anxiety and worry and doubt and anxiety can just become the known. They grow use to thinking these thoughts that cause anxiety, it is what is familiar to them. It is what is predictable, it is what is safe to the brain, even though it's so unhealthy. And even though these are emotions that can cause illness, and heaviness and our clients being and feeling exhausted, I refer to these as depleting emotions. So your clients, not your clients, you Sorry, I'm in teacher mode, our clients become habituated to these feelings. And we are using the example of anxiety. And then what can happen is that our bodies are so our thoughts create the way that we feel. And these are emotions. And we feel these, they're the emotions are created in our mind, but we feel the feelings in our body. And so our bodies can become accustom to these chemicals of stress, and anxiety. And then what becomes really wild is that when our bodies when the cells of our bodies register, a decreased level of, of fear of doubt of anxiety, the the cells in our bodies communicate to our brain. And it says, you know, something like, this is what I imagined, pay brain, we're low on anxiety, send us something to be anxious about. That's what happens. This is why change is so hard. Because not only have you programmed your mind with the emotions that you're constantly feeling, you've programmed your body with these feelings of whatever it is that you are constantly feeling. So to feed your body anxiety, or whatever it is that it's craving, your brain kicks in, by seeking out experiences and people that trigger those same emotional responses. And if there aren't any external, those are our circumstances, that's our environment, getting goosebumps. If there aren't any external sources that are available, then it will create one through old memories through painful thought patterns through negative beliefs, negative self talk. So what happens is that, at a cellular level, our bodies become physiologically addicted to anxiety, or to stress, fear, doubt worry, in order to maintain that sense of pre predictability, that safe that known that familiar. Even if you do not like your life the way that it is, it is become you're known. And when you understand this, oh my gosh, it's such a big aha. So when I understood that I was habituating anxiety, man did I want to change that. And that's what we do with hypnosis. And that's really what we're doing when we're hypnotizing somebody is that we're helping our clients create these new beliefs, new thoughts and feelings, so that they can feel differently in their bodies, then we're creating new neural pathways in the brain. And then what we're doing is we're creating new subconscious habits, and patterns. And then we're teaching our clients how to process these emotions and how to habituate new, empowering emotions. We're teaching our brain with the new normal, with the new safe with the new familiar with the new known, looks like and then feels like. And when our clients are visualizing their new norm, then they are releasing those chemicals into their bodies. They're healing their body by activating their parasympathetic nervous system. And then my friends, we are accelerating neural plasticity. So why is changed so hard? Because the change that you want in your life is what we call the unknown. And when you decide that you want to change your brain That's the unknown. That's the unfamiliar, that's the unsafe, that's the unpredictable, your brain is always trying to keep you safe. And so I love when I catch myself, you know, stepping outside of my comfort zone, and maybe resorting to a little bit of fear. And I say to myself, it's okay. It's okay brain, thank you for trying to protect me. I am safe. So, I hope you enjoyed this, I hope you understand why people can be stuck. It's not always conscious people. That's what's so beautiful about what I do. And what I teach is because I teach these hypnotists to be able to explain to their clients and to everybody, but doing workshops and for example, you on this podcast that's listening to me, it's not your fault. Like this is happening at an unconscious level, yes, you want the change, yes, you want to do something differently, but you don't know what's going on, in your mind. And in your body, you don't understand the neurobiology of what's happening. And so people get so frustrated, and sad, because they feel stuck, they feel like they can't get out of their own way. And now you understand why number one, the brain is trying to protect you. And number two, you've habituated certain emotions in your body, that make it really hard for you to change. And this is why hypnosis is so effective, because it takes the edge off. That's what it really feels like. And that's what it's been described as to me. And I know what the edge can feel like, it can feel edgy. And so anyways, I just wanted to share that with you. I'm excited. I have two cohorts of Hypno thrive, which is the hypnosis certification program that I've been sharing with you, I have two cohorts coming up. And I know that there are a lot of people who want to understand this better want to understand what is happening in the mind and in the body and how we can move through it and create the transformation. And I know that there are a lot of people who want to become world class badass hypnotist. I mean, to be honest with you, I'm training a lot of people who never thought that they would be hypnotist, and I was one of them. So I want to invite you to consider this. Because I'm going to share with you this has opened me becoming a hypnotist has opened the doors to many, many amazing experiences in my life. I had no clue what was possible. So I want to invite you to think about this and to think about how you can be the change in the world that you want to see and how you can help others also live their best lives. So if you want to become a world class, badass hypnotist, who gets results with their clients, I want to invite you to check out my link in the show notes. And so one cohort is coming up and grabbing my calendar here. It's June 13. So the link will be in the show notes for that. And then the second cohort is in August, August 15. We kick off so June 13. We kick off and August 15 we kickoff. So I want to invite you to check out my link in the show notes. And if you have questions, book a call with me. Let's have a conversation about how you can change lives and create impact and change the consciousness of this planet to All right everyone. Until the next time, go out there and live your unstoppable life. I would love if you shared today's episode with your friends and loved ones. Please share it on your social media channels. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast. I believe that we are all here to help others. Together, we can help more people. I would be so grateful for a five star review. And I'm also grateful that you took the time to let me know how this podcast is helping you. If you want more transformational content, connect with me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you and then go over and join my Facebook group, the unstoppable mind. Visit Mary Lou For more information on my programs, and how to work with me until the next time. Go out there and live your unstoppable life