The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez | Episode 4 | Stop Imposter Syndrome

November 17, 2021 Mary Lou Rodriguez Season 1 Episode 4
The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez | Episode 4 | Stop Imposter Syndrome
The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
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The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez
The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez | Episode 4 | Stop Imposter Syndrome
Nov 17, 2021 Season 1 Episode 4
Mary Lou Rodriguez

Today's episode is called Stop Imposter Syndrome and I'm excited to share with you everything that I know about imposter syndrome, how I became unleashed in the world, because, yes, I suffered from it too. I will teach you how to step into a bigger version of yourself. And I'm excited to tell you how I was able to overcome this weakness.  Know how you can start playing BIG and be the successful person you wanted to be. Stay tuned!


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Show Notes Transcript

Today's episode is called Stop Imposter Syndrome and I'm excited to share with you everything that I know about imposter syndrome, how I became unleashed in the world, because, yes, I suffered from it too. I will teach you how to step into a bigger version of yourself. And I'm excited to tell you how I was able to overcome this weakness.  Know how you can start playing BIG and be the successful person you wanted to be. Stay tuned!


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Hello, everyone. My name is Mary Lou Rodriguez. Thank you for joining me on the unstoppable mind Podcast. I'm a master hypnotherapist and a subconscious transformation expert. I've been called a mindset ninja, a brain coach. And I've also been known as a secret weapon, because I've helped 1000s of people realize their subconscious limitations. And I've helped them to overcome those limitations. By listening to this podcast, you're going to build unstoppable confidence, belief and trust within yourself. My goal is to help you have an unstoppable mind and to empower you to reclaim your personal power. And when you do, you'll begin to heal, expand, awaken and live your unstoppable life The Unstoppable mind podcast, imposter syndrome. Hello, everyone, Mary Lou Rodriguez. I'm so excited that you're here, listening to the unstoppable mind podcast. And I'm so excited today to talk to you about imposter syndrome. And I'm curious what that means for you. So I'm excited to share with you everything that I know about imposter syndrome, how I became unleashed in the world, because, yes, I suffered from it too. But I have stepped into a bigger version of myself. And I'm excited to tell you how I did that. So one of the things that I noticed was that I was playing small. And this is normal. And you're going to hear me say this over and over again, because repetition is the mother of all learning. But our brain is designed to keep us in the safe and in the familiar. And so if you're dealing with imposter syndrome, typically that means that you are putting yourself out on the line. And you have all of these fears about not being good enough having to show up perfectly afraid of failure afraid of being judged, if I didn't already say that. So when you've decided that you're ready to play a big or bigger game than you're already playing, I know that you're ready to show up in the world in the way that you want to. And I know that you're ready to be done with imposter syndrome for good. So that you can just go after whatever it is that you're wanting to accomplish. So as I said, imposter syndrome is that feeling of being judged, that feeling of not enough, that feeling that comes to mind. And you know what it feels like when you think of the thing that you've been wanting to do, but you've been too afraid to do it. And it just feels so damn scary. And maybe you have thoughts like, Who do you think you are to do that thing, people are going to find out that you really don't know, Jack, that you don't know enough that you're not an expert, and that you need 10 more certifications and degrees. So if that's you, and you felt this before, I want you to know, first of all, you are so in the right place. But second of all, I want to just talk to you about your brain so that you understand what's happening. And you can have a different dialogue that plays in your mind when you're about to do that thing that you want to do in the world. So as I said earlier, your brain is designed, it's wired, to keep you safe and in the familiar. And we have these core base needs, these human needs, to be love, to be valued. And to think that we are enough and to feel like we're contributing in this world. So when we are putting ourselves out there, and we're exposing ourselves to other people, to judge us. We feel vulnerable and scared. But this is what I want you to know is that people are going to judge us anyways, whether we put ourselves out there or not in the world. So I just want to give you an example. Let's say that you're about to go up in front of the audience for the first time and read your poetry for the first time. And at the very last minute, right before they call your name. You decide not to and I know how this feels because this has been me, but not with poetry, what happens is that your brains flight or fight system kick in. And then one of the ways that we relieve ourselves from that stress is to lean in to feeling safe. And so your brain is keeping you safe. Your brain is also helping you. It's not on purpose. But you're continuing to play small, which means that you didn't go up in front of the audience to read your poetry. So what I want you to know, and what's important for you to know, is that story, that I'm not good enough, who am I are stories that are programmed from our childhood. And it's the truth, you're going to hear me talk a lot, a lot about our childhood stories, and our childhood conditioning, because they absolutely impact who we are today, whether you realize it or not. And those childhood stories are meant to keep us safe, to keep us in the familiar to keep you feeling loved to keep you feeling like you are enough, and and that you matter. So of course, your brain is screaming, when you're about to go up in front of the audience and read your poetry, your brain screaming, you're not safe, you're not safe. And it's a fear response. It comes from that fight or flight system. And it's a system that has worked really well. And it worked really well, especially when we were about to be eaten by tigers, that fight or flight kicked in, and we were able to survive. So I want you to know that if you are confronted with something that scares you, your body automatically goes into protection mode. And then it becomes a cycle that you repeat so many times, over and over. And what happens is, is that it becomes a belief in your subconscious, that is hardwired into your brain. It's a, it's driving the thought that if I put myself out there, I'll be exposed. And that is a threat. So I want you to understand this story is controlling how you show up in the world. You are responsible for you, not for the reaction of others. This is what I tell myself all the time. And when I play big. And when I step into who I am, truly, I know that yes, I am going to be judged. But that the right people, the right people that I need to help in the world, I will attract those people, they will be attracted to the bigger version of me. And there are people that are waiting for me. And there are people that are waiting for you. And the resistance that you feel is just evidence that you have a story in your beautiful brain that got programmed in there when you were a child, and it's controlling your life. It's controlling the things that you want to do. So what I want you to know is there's good news, you can rewrite the story. And I'm going to share with you how but before I do I want to ask you the question. What if you felt the fear and you took the action anyways. So what I do with my clients is I go through the way that your brain makes decisions, the way that your brain creates action, the way that we have these thoughts to begin with in our beautiful brains, and then how we reframe them. And by reframing them, we hardwire the thoughts that we do want to have into our brain. I know that was a mouthful, but I want to ask you, what's the big scary thing that you are avoiding? Because you're afraid and that's where the imposter syndrome lives. So think about that big scary thing. And if you say geez, the thought of it just makes my inside turn. I'm going to be judge then I want you to know that you can absolutely change this. So let's break this down. Your thought comes first. Your thought creates the way that you feel. So the thought I'm going to be judged creates the emotion that feeling that creates The butterflies that you feel in your stomach, the feeling that I need to have more degrees, because I don't know enough, combine those together over time, the thought and the feeling. If it gets repeated enough times, then it becomes a belief. That's how my belief is created. A belief is a repeated thought, and a repeated feeling. The repeated thought, I'm going to be judged, repeated over and over with emotion becomes a belief in your brain. And your brain does what it's supposed to do. It's conserving energy. So what it does is that it automates this belief in your subconscious, so just becomes a part of the way that you think automatically, it becomes something that you believe about yourself, which is your identity, your identity, is how you think and how you feel about yourself. So from that place, that identity is where you make your decisions, those decisions, create the actions, and those actions, create your results. So when you lean in, to that bigger version of you in the way that you want to play in the world, I want you to know that you are going to experience and feel resistance. And that is so normal, know that it's normal, you should feel some tension, some butterflies, some feelings of anxiety, your brain is going to do what it does. And it wants to keep you in the safe and in the familiar. So when those feelings come up for you, I've shared this tool with many of my clients, I say, and I teach them to say, thank you brain for trying to protect me, I choose to focus on and whatever it is for you. Thank you brain for trying to protect me, I choose to focus on and for me, it's creating a masterclass it's serving. So that's a way of telling your brain that it's okay. Because the feeling the tension, the resistance in the beginning is normal. So I want you to know that. And then what we do is we take the action, it starts from doing the thing that that very thing that you know that you're scared to death to do. And realizing a few things. Number one, that you didn't die. My mentor, I've heard him say this, as you know, when he's coaching in these big groups did you die, your brain tells you you're going to die. But you don't. And then you get to lean into that bigger version of you. You take the action, even when you don't feel like it, even when you're so scared that you're shaking, and you can't stop shaking. Even when your brain is saying Warning, warning, danger, danger. You do it anyways. Because it's not about the result. It's about the action. And as you continue to take that step, you're starting to build resistance in your brain. And this neuroplasticity, this resilience in your brain, it starts to shift how you think and how you feel about yourself. So I would love for you to share with me what the big thing is, what do you want to do in the world? And what action are you going to take to make your dreams come true. So the best way to overcome imposter syndrome, get into action. Feel the fear and do it anyways. Alright everyone, I really want to know what you're doing, how you're doing, what your big thing is, what action you're going to take and I want you to tag me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you or on Facebook and Mary Lou Rodriguez. Until the next time, go out there and live your unstoppable life I would love if you shared today's episode with your friends and loved ones. Please share it on your social media channels. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast. I believe that we are We're all here to help others. Together, we can help more people. I would be so grateful for a five star review. And I'm also grateful that you took the time to let me know how this podcast is helping you. If you want more transformational content, connect with me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you and then go over and join my Facebook group, the unstoppable mind. Visit Mary Lou For more information on my programs, and how to work with me until the next time, go out there and live your unstoppable life