The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

Episode 43 | What Are Your Beliefs Costing You? | The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

Mary Lou Rodriguez Season 1 Episode 44


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Hello unstoppables of the world, you are listening to the unstoppable mind podcast. I am so glad that you are here today. On this episode, we are going to be talking about what your limiting beliefs are costing you. Enjoy Hello unstoppables of the world. Hey, I'm so glad that you're here today, we are going to be talking about beliefs and the cost of limiting beliefs. And do you have beliefs in your life that serve you. So that's how I want to start off today. I was inspired because yesterday I attended a Friendsgiving organized by cream mills. And not only did I attend the Friendsgiving, but I also was a sponsor of the event. And as a sponsor, I had the opportunity to speak for a few minutes. And after the event was over, I had somebody come up to me and she said, I used to be an NLP practitioner. I'm now I think she said a real estate agent. And she's like, I know that my beliefs are keeping me stuck. And I wish I had had more time to be able to speak to her. But I want you to know that our life is a reflection of what we believe. And I want you to ask yourself the question, do I have beliefs that serve me, that empower me? And if your question is, how do I know Mary Lou, when I learned that our life is a reflection of what we believe, and that we must believe it, in order to see it. When I learned that I was triggered. And I got upset, because I realized, I mean, I did a little audit on my life. I was single, I was broke. And I was struggling in my business. And struggle was nothing new for me, like struggle was a part of my life. And so if you're wondering if you have beliefs that empower you that serve you, all you have to do is look at your life. Think about your bank account. Think about your relationships, think about your career or your business. And I really want to say that I'm so glad that you are here, because shifting our beliefs. But first of all, understanding what your limiting beliefs are, I'm going to talk about that here in a moment. And then being able to shift them to beliefs that really serve you is going to change your life. But I want to talk about your beliefs because they're in your subconscious mind. And they are controlling your success, or your lack of success. And whatever part of your life that is not serving you. So if you don't have the money that you want, or the relationships that you want, your beliefs come from your subconscious mind, and they are driving you whether you realize it or not. And a belief is a repeated thought and a repeated feeling. So here's the foundation, neuroscience 101 Our thoughts create the way that we feel. The way that we feel creates our attitudes. And our attitude creates our behaviors, the actions that we take the actions that we don't take. And so a belief is a repeated thought and a repeated feeling. Now many of our beliefs, yours and mine, were formed when we were little based on her upbringing. And so but we can still form them as adults, if you tell yourself enough times that you're not good at technology. And you say it over and over and over again. That used to be me, by the way. If you say it over and over again, you create a belief and then you reinforce the belief. Okay? So I want you to think about your life. And I want you to think about is your, you know, do a little audit right now is your health where you want it to be is your business or your career. Your relationships. And our beliefs are so powerful because they are in our subconscious. And you're not consciously aware that you have these beliefs because they're automated. I just shared with you it's a repeated thought and a repeated feeling. And the brain goes Oh, Mary Lou believes that there are no good men in the world. Now I don't really believe that but I'm just using that I didn't have as an example, thought, feeling, I have the thought, and I feel a feeling. And then your brain goes, Oh, we're going to automate this, so merely doesn't even have to think about it. Because the brains job is to conserve energy. So the brain says, Mary Lou believes this, and we're going to help her to believe it. And so then it goes on autopilot, and it becomes automatic, so that you don't have to think about it anymore. But that's what I love so much. Because, honestly, when you can become aware of what limiting beliefs you have, and you can begin to shift them, and then you have these empowering beliefs that serve you, then it feels totally magical. It feels like your brain is on fire, for you and for your goals and what you want to accomplish in your life, which is where I'm at. But if you say consciously, you say, hey, I want to start dating again. I want to meet the love of my life. I'm ready to meet my soulmate. But deep in your subconscious, if you believe that there are no good men out there, or if you believe that you're too old, to find your soulmate, your life is going to be a reflection of what you believe everyone following. And we don't, we do not. We do not create what we want in our lives. We create what we believe. Okay? So it's really important that you understand that, I've got to figure out what my limiting beliefs are. And one thing that I used to say a lot when I especially when I first started my business, and became an entrepreneur, because I just had this feeling that I needed to know more, more and more, I needed to be an expert, I needed to know everything about whatever topic I was going to talk about. Because I didn't because first of all, it was totally it was all impostor syndrome, right. But I used to feel like I've shared this before, that whenever I showed up in person online, did a master class or workshop or whatever it was alive, that I felt like I had to be perfect. And I thought that if I knew everything, that I would look and sound perfect. Now that, my friends is a limiting belief. And once I became aware of it, I'm like, I would catch myself going, I need to learn more, and I'd stop, you're going to put up the stop sign, I'd stop. And I would say, I know more than enough. I trust myself. It is so beautiful when you can begin to catch those limiting beliefs. But many of you probably haven't sat down to uncover what your limiting beliefs are. Okay, and it's I cannot emphasize how important it is for you to know what those limiting beliefs are so that you can shift them. I mean, if it's just if you're just going off a feeling, I just shared with you that our thoughts create our feelings. So you have to know what thoughts are creating, what thoughts are you thinking over and over? Because your thoughts and your feelings are your beliefs? So, I have discovered, you know, after working with so many people, in groups and masterclasses and on zooms, and coaching calls, that one of the beliefs that I see the most Yes, I see, I'm not deserving, or I'm not worthy. But the other belief that I see quite a bit is that I'm not ready. And I always ask people, What are you waiting for? Because I know that they have this belief that they're waiting for something to happen in order for them to be ready. And I want to ask you, is that you? Are you waiting? To start your business? Are you rate waiting to shine your light in the world? I mean, whatever it is for you. So one of the things that I want to ask you is what beliefs are holding you back. I want you to take the time to sit down and to journal or write about it. What beliefs are holding me back and not in every single area of your life. But if you want to start a business if you want to attract wealth if you want to start dating, what beliefs are holding me back how powerful question that way when you're in your day to day life and you go to your dating app, bumble, and you start to go into the old belief that you had, that you're too old, or that all men are bad, I don't know, I'm just making this up, you're, you have this belief that you're too old, then you can catch it. And you can be like, ooh, starting to go, starting to go into that old, that old familiar behavior, of feeling and thinking a certain way, and call it a pattern. And you get to stop it. And you get to shift it. I believe that there are hundreds 1000s of good men out there. And I'm just the perfect age to find love. So, I want to share with you, I want you to do the homework, the fun work, what beliefs are holding you back, I want to invite you to join me. And there's so many. I mean, I could talk about beliefs for days, but I just wanted to get you started. I want to invite you to join my facebook community, on hypnosis, it's for hypnotist, it's for people who are interested in hypnosis, and brain training, because all of this is about training your brain. It's for coaches, I've got tons of coaches who are part of this community who want to learn about the brain science behind transformation. How do you get somebody from point A to point B. So I want to invite you to be a part of this community because I am doing a workshop on the 27th or excuse me the 28th of December at 1pm Pacific Standard Time. And this workshop is going to be on beliefs and self hypnosis. So how to subconsciously shift your beliefs with self hypnosis. It's powerful, powerful, powerful. And, and so I want everybody to thrive. You've heard me say that a million times. I want everyone to thrive. I want everyone to be unstoppable. So join in the shownotes will be an invitation or will be the link for this Facebook community. It's only going to be inside of this community. And it's free to join of course. And so I want to invite you to join the community and then to come to the workshop so that you can learn how to reprogram your subconscious by using self hypnosis. Okay, everyone, until the next time, go out there and live your unstoppable life. I would love if you shared today's episode with your friends and loved ones. Please share it on your social media channels. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast. I believe that we are all here to help others. Together, we can help more people. I would be so grateful for a five star review. And I'm also grateful that you took the time to let me know how this podcast is helping you. If you want more transformational content, connect with me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you and then go over and join my Facebook group, the unstoppable mind. Visit Mary Lou For more information on my programs, and how to work with me until the next time. Go out there and live your unstoppable life