The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

Season 2 | Episode 46 | Subconscious Success Secrets Within You | The Unstoppable Mind Podcast with Mary Lou Rodriguez

Mary Lou Rodriguez Season 2 Episode 46

Hello Unstoppables! 

Welcome to Season 2 of The Unstoppable Mind Podcast! 





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Well, hello unstoppables of the world. Hey, it's Mary Lou and you are listening to the unstoppable mind podcast. I just want to say welcome to season two. Now in this podcast episode, we are going to be talking about the subconscious success secrets that everyone needs to know. And I also want to let you know that next Monday, April 17, I am kicking off my five days to activate your success mindset challenge. So what is this challenge about? It's about you saying goodbye to your self, sabotaging behaviors, your limiting beliefs, and it's about you overcoming your fears, so that you can live your most unstoppable life. So both links will be in the show notes, and stay tuned. Hello, everyone, my name is Mary Lou Rodriguez. Thank you for joining me on the unstoppable mind Podcast. I'm a master hypnotherapist and a subconscious transformation expert. I've been called a mindset ninja, a brain coach. And I've also been known as a secret weapon, because I've helped 1000s of people realize their subconscious limitations. And I've helped them to overcome those limitations, so that they could create the success, or the abundance, or the love or the health to create the transformation that they wanted in their life. This podcast is designed to help you rewire and reprogram your mind to believe that it's absolutely possible for you to live the life of your dreams for you to heal and transform the most important relationship that you will ever have in this life. And that is a relationship that you have with yourself. And you're going to be able to create real tangible results and amp up your manifesting powers based on neuroscience, hypnosis, subconscious reprogramming, and universal laws. By listening to this podcast, you're going to build unstoppable confidence, belief and trust within yourself. I'm going to share my best secrets with you to teach you the tools and the techniques that not only have changed my life, but have changed the lives of many. I've owned my self worth. And I want to teach you how to own yours. My goal is to help you have an unstoppable mind and to empower you to reclaim your personal power. And when you do, you will begin to heal, expand, awaken and live your unstoppable life. I know that you're going to find value in this podcast, please make sure to subscribe and to share it. I would love if you shared today's episode with your friends and loved ones. Please share it on your social media channels. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast. I believe that we are all here to help others. Together, we can help more people. I would be so grateful for a five star review. And I'm also grateful that you took the time to let me know how this podcast is helping you. If you want more transformational content, connect with me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you and then go over and join my Facebook group, the unstoppable mind visit Mary Lou For more information on my programs and how to work with me until the next time go out there and live your unstoppable life Well, hello unstoppables of the world super excited to have you here with me. And I'm excited to share with you about your subconscious Now, you all know that I'm a brain training expert, that I love to share with people what is blocking them, what is limiting them from living their life in the way that they truly desire. And so one of the things that I have found working with people, whether it's been one to one, or in groups, is that I've heard this, Mary Lou, no matter how hard I try, I'm doing all the things, no matter how much I learned, and no matter how hard I work, I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel. And that I'm getting nowhere fast. And have you ever noticed other people who can just effortlessly succeed and they just crush it. And then you see others who are overwhelmed for years, struggling to get by. And maybe you feel like, you should be more successful than you are right now. And I wonder if that's you. Or maybe you feel like your circumstances, If only my circumstances would change, then I could be happy, then I could have the freedom. And then maybe you're living paycheck to paycheck, where it feels like money super hard to create. And, you know, maybe you hear people talking about abundance or about wealth. And inside of your mind, you might be saying to yourself, it must be nice for them. But that sure shitting my situation. It's harder for me. Now, this used to be me. I would say it's harder for me. I have no one. I used to say that all the time. I have no one I can count on. I have no one to help me. And I would say I don't know how to do it. That was my big thing. I don't know how. I don't know how and because I didn't know how I would let that stop me in my tracks. And so I remember, there was a time when I would think to myself, I must be missing something. What's wrong with me? And so I hear that quite a bit. I hear what am I not getting Mary Lou, I'm working hard. It seems to be working for everyone else, but me. And then I'll come across clients who feel burnt out, they're stressed out, they're tired, they're pulled in a million directions. They feel like it's all on their shoulders. They feel like they can't catch a break. And they might even feel like they're in the state of guilt because they're not spending enough time with their families. Or maybe when you are spending time with your family, you feel guilty because you're not where you want to be, whether that's in life, or in your career or in business. And so in my three part video series called The Unstoppable success secrets that I feel like everyone should know, I want to let you know, first of all, before I forget, make sure that you click the link in the show notes to get this three part video series because what I talk about is what every successful person knows. And it truly is about how to activate their success mindset. So that they can feel successful in every single part of their life, whether that's wealth, or health, or business, or your career or relationships. Because I know what gets in people's way. Now you might have an idea because you're you. And you might know what some of your patterns are, but you just may not know how to move through them. And so I really look at at things from an internal and an external point of view. So yes, you might be reading all the books, you might have a business coach, you might be working harder than you did last week crossing more things off your To Do lists, but that, my friends is not the problem. Okay. So, if you want to feel more unstoppable in your life, I'm telling you, you don't need to work harder. You do not need to hustle more Are, you do not need to get three more certifications. And if that's you, I can already picture three people that I know in my mind's eye have so many certifications. You don't need a bajillion other programs to get you to the next level. And yes, those strategies, those books, those coaches, those mentors, those those courses, they can help you. They can, but it doesn't actually activate your success mindset. Something else is going on something deeper. And when you learn to turn it on, the results are faster, and your success becomes inevitable. So what would it look like if you had this proven process where you're able to move forward in your life or in your business, and you're starting to help people, which is leading to that financial success and that personal fulfillment? And that ability to make positive impact on others? Like how many lives could you change? And how free would you finally feel? So if you want to learn more Unstopables, I want to invite you to click the link for this series. I'm going to talk more about my brain based method. I'm going to talk more about the neuro accelerated method where I work with people on training their brains to activate their success mindset. I've helped 1000s of people now across the globe, I've helped them to shift their stories and their beliefs, and to transform their lives from the inside out. And I want to help you, too. So I look forward to seeing you inside of the five day activate your success mindset challenge, where we are going to have so much fun. It's going to be a I'm going to knock your socks off. I'm going to blow your mind. And man, will you just be enlightened with what I'm going to be teaching you. So I will see you next week. Make sure to register. Alright everyone, until the next time, may you live your unstoppable life. I would love if you shared today's episode with your friends and loved ones. Please share it on your social media channels. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast. I believe that we are all here to help others. Together, we can help more people. I would be so grateful for a five star review. And I'm also grateful that you took the time to let me know how this podcast is helping you. If you want more transformational content, connect with me on Instagram at Mary Lou hypnotizes you and then go over and join my Facebook group, the unstoppable mind. Visit Mary Lou For more information on my programs, and how to work with me until the next time. Go out there and live your unstoppable life